Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I love Gothic Tights and Sexy Shoes

I do have a tight fetish ,the bolder and funkier the better !i love to wear tights with dresses ,striped ,tartan ,lace ,leopard Skin ,not a great follower of fashion just individuality .

Whilst i don't confess to have pins like Elle Mc'Pherson ,a great pair of tights provides a statement but a distraction if you feel your legs are not up to scratch .

Shoes ...why do women love shoes like their children ...because it is an expression of themselves they can be who they want to be ...escapism call it what you want ,we express out emotions through our feet.

Feeling confident ,the higher the shoes the better ,feeling not 100% a pair of wellingtons or an old pair of trainers.

Give it a try

Bye For Now



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