Monday, 16 February 2009

Hooked on being busy

There is some truth in the above statement .
If you are like me ,you like to be busy in work and social .
Making breakfast ,answering e mails ,putting the washing in, a women's work is never done.
So why do we moan about our crazy schedule and having to juggle too much in our life when we secretly love it....
How many women feel they need an extra hobby on top of family and career to feel complete..
Admit it ,we are schedule junkies who are faintly terrified of sitting still,i bet those of you that have a blank diary it's because you are either on vacation or in hospital..
Research studies reveal schedule junkies are in fact running away from themselves, i guess that is up to you to find out.
Stop for a moment ,scale back on your social life and busy diary,does reality you like what you see?
Good Luck and happy thinking
Nikki x

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