Tuesday, 13 January 2009

New Look New You

I had the most fantastic saturday ,Deepa (my friend )invited me to The Lowry Hotel in Manchester for Afternoon Tea,there we were sipping Pink Champagne ,chatting and savouring smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches..bliss....
When david bought the cake stand (not like Julie Walters in Acorn Antiques ) i could have died ..of cholesterol poisoning,the scones were to die for .....
Deepa had presented me earlier with several gifts for Christmas ,one of which was a new Fragrance which brings me to the title 'New Look New You' she suggested i try a new fragrance ,we often associate fragrances with experiences and events, sometimes it makes sense to change things ,as a result i have made some very positive changes and luck has come my way ...think positive ..
My lovely day was completed by an invite to a box at the MEN to see Chris Brown ,he was awesome ..
Have a great day and remember ..make small changes ..
Nikki x

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