Sunday, 26 October 2008

Think Purple

Last winter it was orange,this winter it's purple-things are really looking up.
There's a really wearable colour grabbing pole position in the fashion world.
Purple is just one of those colours that is easy to love.For it to look it's best you need to try to buy the best fabrics you can afford-silk ,velvet,heavy satin for instance.
It 's both grand and reassuring and while red demands that you feel on top form when venturing out in it,purple allows you to be in a much more under -the radar mood.
A rich purple does wonders for the skin-it doesn't reflect colour onto it but contrasts flatteringlywith pallor and looks beautiful on dark skins.
Purple is the ideal colour for the evening,you will stand out among the predictable sea of black and looks delightfully chic.

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